Originally released in 1993, this historical combat simulation deals with the wars of Napoleon after his return from exile in Elba in 1815. The game is close to historical facts and therefore can be recommended to provide good information about this [...]
The second in the series features campaigns in Lybia, the Persian Gulf, The Middle East and Vietnam, making for a total of 250,000 miles of potential action and danger. Primary and secondary aerial and ground-based targets must be destroyed on each of [...]
GP 500 ## Description This game follows the 98 Championship of the World of GP motorbike racing with 500cc bikes raced by the likes of Michael Doohan, Max Biaggi, Alex Creville. GP500 gives you a choice of the 14 circuits raced in 1998, the real riders [...]
As a new member of the 'Klingon Honor Guard', the player is given the mission of foiling a plot to assassinate Chancellor Gowron. During the course of the game, the player encounters a variety of environments, including planet surfaces, caverns, enemy [...]
A vast sleeping enemy has awakened. When the colonization vessel crash landed on Earth some 65 million years ago, the emergency systems placed the aliens in suspended animation. A distress call was sent, but was never received by the aliens’ homeworld. [...]