Exciting World War II Submarine Action in the South Pacific by Sid Meier. 0400 hours, Tuesday 1942… BATTLE STATIONS!! BATTLE STATIONS!! Enemy convoy identified on radar!! SILENT SERVICE, The Submarine Simulation, brings exciting action, great [...]
Fly low and strike deep in the re-invention of the Gunship flight combat franchise. In Gunship!, you’re the point man for WWIII — Russian forces have amassed on one side, NATO on the other in a flashpoint conflict in Eastern Europe. You are [...]
Sid Meier’s Covert Action – A Techno-Thriller From the Case Files of Max Remington. In the 1990’s our national nightmares are haunted by wild-eyed political extremists, greedy and ruthless drug lords, and lunatic military dictators. For [...]
Mig Alley Ace ## Description MiG Alley Ace is an action-based simulation of air combat during the Korean War. The titular MiG Alley was the area over North Korea near the Chinese border where the world’s first large-scale jet-to-jet air battles took [...]
Across the Rhine Armoured combat from D-day to the end of the war in Europe! Armoured combat from D-day to the end of the war in Europe. The M4 Sherman, the M18 Hellcat, the Pzkfw Vla/b Tiger – these are the tanks that rocked Europe from the June [...]
A priceless vase is lost on a distant planet that doesn’t exist. An irate colonel wants it back. And only one man is experienced enough…skilled enough…and foolish enough to retrieve it: interstellar adventurer and bungling bachelor Rex [...]
NATO Commander ## Description The first wargame from legendary game designer Sid Meier, NATO Commander puts the player in charge of the armies of Western Europe as the Soviet-led Warsaw Pact forces plunge across central Europe in a hypothetical Cold War- [...]