Mig Alley Ace ## Description MiG Alley Ace is an action-based simulation of air combat during the Korean War. The titular MiG Alley was the area over North Korea near the Chinese border where the world’s first large-scale jet-to-jet air battles took [...]
Across the Rhine Armoured combat from D-day to the end of the war in Europe! Armoured combat from D-day to the end of the war in Europe. The M4 Sherman, the M18 Hellcat, the Pzkfw Vla/b Tiger – these are the tanks that rocked Europe from the June [...]
F-19 STEALTH FIGHTER takes combat flying to new heights. With dazzling graphics and authentic, real-world scenarios. F-19 creates action-packed excitement that keeps you coming back for more! It’s easy to learn, but satisfyingly tough to master.
You are in control of X-COM: an organization formed by the world’s governments to fight the ever-increasing alien menace. Shooting down UFOs is just the beginning: you must then lead a squad of heavily-armed soldiers across different terrains as [...]
Challange Of The Five Realms ## Description Subtitled Spellbound in the World of Nhagardia , this Microprose title came out the same year as their more popular work, Darklands. It is a top-down 256-color VGA role-playing game with a few unique twists. As [...]
A priceless vase is lost on a distant planet that doesn’t exist. An irate colonel wants it back. And only one man is experienced enough…skilled enough…and foolish enough to retrieve it: interstellar adventurer and bungling bachelor Rex [...]
NATO Commander ## Description The first wargame from legendary game designer Sid Meier, NATO Commander puts the player in charge of the armies of Western Europe as the Soviet-led Warsaw Pact forces plunge across central Europe in a hypothetical Cold War- [...]