The Alien ## Description The U.F.P. research vessel _Thrasybulus_ has finished surveying an unexplored planet and prepares to head home across interstellar distances when the alarm sounds: an alien life form found on the planet and taken aboard for study [...]
Planet Miners ## Description It’s January 1, 2050, and after many decades of research and development of space travel, mankind is ready to reach out to the planets of the solar system to establish mining bases. Up to four players compete with each [...]
Under Fire! ## Description Under Fire is a tactical simulation of WW II land combat. Men and weapons from the United States, Germany and Russia are represented. There are nine scenarios in the game which range from open field firefights to house to house [...]
Panzers East! ## Description _Panzers East!_ is a strategic level solitaire simulation of the German offensive against the Soviet Union which began on June 22, 1941. You as the German Commander direct the entire Axis invasion force but time is not on your [...]
Gulf Strike ## Description Based upon the popular boardgame, Gulf Strike allows you to examine every aspect of the complex Persian Gulf region. Complete air, land and sea orders of battle for more than a dozen nations allows you to fight each conflict to [...]
Flying Ace ## Description Supply chain disruption is the goal of this side-scroller. Loop around in your sturdy biplane and strafe enemy trucks rolling along on the road below. There are patrol planes and anti-aircraft guns, to be certain, but success or [...]
Panzer-Jagd ## Description Panzer-Jagd (German for Tank Hunt) is a game of armored warfare on the eastern front of WWII. You begin the game in command of an assault force of 25 armored and infantry units with each unit representing a platoon. Your mission [...]