Prodigy ## Description The tyrannical Wardlock has created two humanoids within his mechanical world, for his own amusement. Solo the Synthelman must lead Nejo the baby out of this nightmare and to safety. There are four worlds to get through, Ice Zone, [...]
Gerry the Germ Goes Body Poppin’ ## Description Gerry the Germ has failed to obtain his Stinkploma and so has been thrown out of the Illtitute of Infectology but far from feeling sorry for himself, Gerry has decided the only way back in is to infect [...]
Prodigy ## Description The tyrannical Wardlock has created two humanoids within his mechanical world, for his own amusement. Solo the Synthelman must lead Nejo the baby out of this nightmare and to safety. There are four worlds to get through, Ice Zone, [...]