SkyChase ## Description Take to the skies and fight your opponent (computer or human) on a split screen or null-modem link. Takeoffs and landings are handled automatically, so players can focus on shooting each other down. Flyby replays are featured for [...]
The ultimate city simulator. You design, build and customise any city you can imagine, and Sim City 2000 SE will bring it and its resident Sims to life. Includes the Urban Renewal Kit and Scenarios Vol. 1–all on one CD-ROM.
Fathom: The Game of Tiles ## Description After the Atlantean city has risen from the deep blue sea near Miami, all scientific groups were directed there. And they found a pool with tiles, which was a royal playfield for up to 4 players. You become the [...]
SimCity 2000 Network Edition ## Description Like the original “SimCity 2000” for Windows95 game, but with added ‘network support’ for more than one person. Play as a single player or setup a LAN-based game as a server or client to [...]