Currently the aim of the game is to beat the Boss. Targeted aim is to create a real time card based MTG like strategy game. Some exploration will be part of the game to gain the necessary cards for the battles. Experienced players should recognize some [...]
You find yourself lost in a cave naked and can’t move your limbs. Luckily you find a mystic artefact in your pockets which allows you to rotate the cave so you can fall to other areas. Since you are greedy you want to find a lot of gold while [...]
Lost Life was developed by Max Gooroo Lost Life was Released on Windows,Mac,Linux,Android,AndroidTab,AndroidConsole Lost Life is a Single Player game A grid based dungeon crawler like known from the old rpg days. Random generated [...]
Note Defender was developed by Max Gooroo, Released in 2017-04-20 Note Defender was Released on Windows,Android Note Defender is a Single Player game A music game where you have to hit notes to achieve a highscore. You can select a song from the server or [...]