Basketball ## Description _Basketball_ allows you to play a game of one-on-one against either the computer or another player. The court is viewed from the side with a basket at each end of the screen. Using the joystick you can move your player around the [...]
Reversi ## Description Reversi is a computerized version of the board game Othello. During the game, two players take turns placing game pieces on the board in an attempt to trap pieces of their opponents color. Any trapped pieces will then be reversed in [...]
B-17 Bomber takes place near the end of World War II. As the pilot of a B-17, your mission is to fly across the English Channel and bomb various strategic targets. First you need to select a destination which features a lot of targets. The further the [...]
Buzz Bombers is an arcade action game similar to Centipede. You control a can of bug spray at the bottom of the screen, and you need to defend yourself from the swarms of incoming bees. The bees start at the top of the screen, and fly their way back and [...]
Imagine a hunter, alone in Deep Space. You control his movements. He’s armed with a “gas blaster.” His prime target is the white Space Hawk. If a Hawk, deadly gas bubbles, comets or amoebas touch the hunter, he tumbles into infinity! [...]
In 480 B.C. a small Spartan force held off Xerxes and the entire Persian army, in the famous Battle of Thermopylae. The Spartans chose to die defending the pass into Greece, to give their allies time to prepare for attack. SPACE SPARTANS reenacts this [...]
The object of the game is to make frogs catch flies. Points are won by manipulating a frog so that he jumps off a lily pad and scoops up flying insects with a flashing tongue. Jump him too late and you’ll miss. Jump him too far and he’ll land [...]
The object of Vectron is to construct an energy base, section by section. You add each section by moving your energy block in place and filling it with an energy blast. You must protect your energy block against Hungrees, G-spheres, splits, sweeps, and [...]