Experience Hot Wheels Infinite Loop – an action packed mobile game that blends the legendary toy with real-time PVP racing. Stunt, crash, and smash through adrenaline-rushing races as you compete to top the leaderboards. Collect and upgrade iconic Hot [...]
The object of Skiing is to complete the chosen course, either downhill or slalom, in the fastest time possible. Play begins by selecting the number of players for the game. Each player will have three heats in which to post their fastest time for the [...]
The object of Space Hawk is to survive as long as possible while drifting in the middle of outer space. The player is equipped with a rocket-powered space suit and a “gas blaster” for protection. Three user-selectable settings control the [...]
The player controls a man trapped in a hedgerow maze with no exits and many threats, some natural such as bats and spiders, others artificial and more deadly in nature such as robots. The player starts out in a bunker in the middle of the map completely [...]
The game can be played on any of thousands of different countryside maps -- the first thousand of which are selectable at the beginning of the game. All of these maps show roads, towns, hills, lakes, forests, orchards, and fields, and these geographic [...]