Osouji Sentai Clean Keeper Osouji Sentai Clean Keeper is an Adventure game, developed by Lupinus and published by Idea Factory, which was released in Japan in 2008. It takes about 60.3 hours to complete this game. Difficulty of this game: Easy-Just Right [...]
Osouji Sentai Clean Sweeper H Osouji Sentai Clean Keeper H is an Adventure game, developed by Lupinus and published by Idea Factory, which was released in Japan in 2009. It takes about 73.3 hours to complete this game. Difficulty of this game: Tough [...]
Moetan DS Moetan DS is a Miscellaneous game, developed by Lupinus and published by Idea Factory, which was released in Japan in 2008. It takes about 13.3 hours to complete this game. Difficulty of this game: Just Right Moetan DS