Hide and Seek follows the traditional 1 Seeker vs many Hiders model of hide and seek that everyone is familiar with. Seeker counts, Hiders hide, Seeker seeks, Hiders come back to base!
Pango Hide and seek A plunger you can equip as a hat as Hider and Seeker. All hats override default map-specific hats. 3d preview available in the Hat Gallery
Hide-And-Seek A medic hat you can equip as a hat as Hider and Seeker. All hats override default map-specific hats. 3d preview available in the Hat Gallery
Barney is a friendly dinosaur who likes playing with children. One day Barney and his little friends decide to play hide-and-seek game. Barney’s task is to find the children and the presents they have hidden. Barney travels across four different [...]