The Invincible Iron Man Past and present collide in this epic adventure that reveals the origin of Iron Man. Past and present collide in this epic adventure that reveals the origin of Iron Man. While raising the ruins of a long buried Chinese kingdom, [...]
Animalia Vengeance is a visual novel where a researcher named Aiden must find a solution to a possible food shortage that will damage the community and its animals.
Hold it right there. Are you really ready for this one? Have you got the courage to load up the experience that makes all other games you’ve played seem prehistoric? Because Blood Money is simply the best arcade game you’ve ever seen. It has [...]
Cops and Robbers In this explosive crime-thriller, a hostage negotiator tries to settle a standoff with a bank robber. But the two men learn they have a shared past…and angry scores yet to settle. Bullets fly and rage-explodes as THE DARK KNIGHT’s [...]
Divergent Shift is a 2D puzzle platformer developed in which players must use the two screens in tandem to successfully navigate across. It follows the adventure of a girl who must find the pieces of a powerful mirror to bring back together a world that [...]