A game I made in three hours based on a tweet. You fly around and shoot innocent cats. Witch Dogs was developed by Lag Studios, Released in 2014-05-26 Witch Dogs was Released on Windows Witch Dogs is a Single Player game Witch Dogs
The games starts as a simple space shooter but develops itself to imprison you within it so it may move past the digital realm and enter your mind. The game features varying gameplay and interaction with slight challenges, but balanced to allow a wide [...]
Akuma Kira’s Day Off is a game inspired by the craziness of retro side-scrollers and shooters. Mostly a SHMUP, sometimes a top-down RPG, and even sometimes a 3D FPS, AKDO is a game about action, horror, love, and sometimes about shrimp. Fly, shoot, [...]
## Description _Minorcraft_ is an experimental horror game that has nothing to do with Minecraft. Complete each task you are given (complete the heart, design the house, etc) and get a comment from the game. After a few task the player ends up on a short [...]
In this alternate universe the elevator has crashed below the 1000th room revealing even more terrific monstrosities. In this new abyss lies Karamari Hospital, long abandoned by the living and infested with the not so living. Can you tackle this new [...]
Spooky’s House of Jumpscares ## Description On top of a hill there is a mysterious mansion that no one of the townspeople knows the history of. As a history enthusiast the player visits the mansion in hope to bring some light on its history. Once [...]
Can you survive 1000 rooms of cute terror? Or will you break once the cuteness starts to fade off and you’re running for your life from the unspeakable hideous beings that shake and writhe in bowels of this house? They wait for you, they wait and [...]