## Description This limited-edition release of beatmania IIDX 9th style was only sold through the Konamistyle web shop, and contains the game along with a _beatmania IIDX visual emotions 2_ DVD and a _V-Rare Soundtrack 10_ music CD, all packed inside a [...]
beatmania IIDX 9th style ## Description beatmania IIDX 9th style is one of the many titles in Konami’s IIDX rhythm game series, featuring more than 80 tracks, primarily from the arcade version of the same title. As usual for the beatmania series, [...]
Karaoke Revolution: J-POP Best vol.2 ## Description Second volume selection of J-Pop’s best gives you fifty more songs at your disposal to go wild and sing karaoke using real microphone or USB headset. Tracklist — Artist (romanimation) | Song [...]
beatmania IIDX 8th style ## Description beatmania IIDX 8th style is one of the many titles in Konami’s IIDX rhythm game series, featuring more than 80 tracks, primarily from the arcade version of the same title. As usual for the beatmania series, [...]
The Baseball 2003: Akikigou ## Description This edition features the 2003 updated Japanese pro players and team stats. The game has more realistic television quality graphics. New additions to the game include: fielder cursors, stamina gauges, and fluid [...]
beatmania IIDX 10th style ## Description beatmania IIDX 10th style is one of the many titles in Konami’s IIDX rhythm game series, featuring more than 80 tracks, primarily from the arcade version of the same title. As usual for the beatmania series, [...]
U-Move Super Sports ## Description A Konami-developed game for the EyeToy USB Camera. U-Move Super Sports features dozens of mini-games, with sports such as Rugby and Soccer being the main basis for levels. The game is loosely based on the original EyeToy [...]