Buckle up: Minit Fun Racer is a peculiar little racing game with 100% of developer and Devolver’s proceeds going directly to charity. Forever. ## About This Game Buckle up: Minit Fun Racer is a peculiar little racing game with 100% of developer and [...]
This is additional content for Disc Room, but does not include the base game. ## About This Content DISC ROOM (Original SoundTrack) is 53 tracks of death bent Sci-Fi synth melodies and blistering bass heavy beats from the indie VideoGame DISC ROOM. Enjoy [...]
Only a minute from death to eternal life. ## About This Game Do you remember when you understood death? I have forgotten when to understand death. But, I remember, when I was a child, I thought I would always be a child, not grow up, adults will always be [...]