The Irreverent Software™ Team presents their first game : ## FET : Flying Extra-Terrestrials ## GET IT NOW, ON SLIDEME ## DESURA AND GOOGLE PLAY! Drive your own UFO through 36 full 3D levels, with a nice cartoonish style. Abduct more than 24 animal [...]
Irreverent Software presents a fighting game of epic proportions : ## The Destruction of the Nuclear Monsters™ ### STEAM GREENLIGHT * Take control of one of 6 playable giant Monsters, each one with its own fighting style, attacks, super powers and [...]
3:00am Dead Time™ was developed by Irreverent Software™ 3:00am Dead Time™ was Released on Windows 3:00am Dead Time™ is a Single, Multiplayer & Co-Op game ### **Prepare yourself to be the ultimate paranormal investigator, [...]
Mine Dudes™ is a fast paced platform-shooter game, where you can destroy and rebuild the scenery at will. Dig your way through the caverns systems, face dangerous traps and deathly enemies, acquire powerful abilities to help you in your goal of [...]