In the crumbling ruins of a world under siege, man-machine meets machine-man as legendary cyborgs clash to decide the fate of the Earth. As Robocop, you must travel across time into a bloody future ruled by the mechanical forces of Skynet. You’ll [...]
Immediately prior to Brotherhood of Steel, the three playable characters (Cain, Cyrus, and Nadia) have joined the Brotherhood as new Initiates. After selecting which character to play as (hereafter referred to as the Initiate), the game opens with the [...]
One dark and stormy evening, the civic-minded Professor Stinkbaum was working in his lab where he was secretly building a machine that would save the world from pollution by transporting it to a place he called Dimension X-Crement. That same evening, [...]
The player takes the role of human Cadet David Forester, leader of a cadet group at Starfleet's San Francisco–based Command College. The player has to pass all the simulated missions, optionally including the infamous Kobayashi Maru scenario. The [...]
The story is that in the far future, humans colonized many planets and established a form a biotechnology, which were sentient beings called Compuminds, which could communicate rapidly from world to world. The game's villain had shut down all the [...]