Search & Rescue: Vietnam Med Evac ## Description From the people who created the critically acclaimed Search and Rescue Series comes the latest addition to the saga. Search and Rescue: Vietnam Med Evac is the next generation, stand alone sucessor to [...]
Search & Rescue 2 ## Description Search and Rescue 2 is the successor to the original Search and Rescue. It simulates a US Coast Guard Dolphin HH65. You will perform all CG duties, such as custom inspections, hazardous rescues, searches, and more. [...]
BHunter is set in 2098 where law and order are rapidly crumbling and the city has turned to enlisting the help of BHunters to help curb crime. As a BHunter, it is your job to deal justice swiftly to designated criminal targets.
Airlines 2 ## Description Airlines 2 is a strategy game focusing on finance, investment, design, and management of an airline company and its fleet. The player starts with 20 planes in the beginning and by advancing in the game, this number will rise up [...]