## Description _Eoroid_ is a text-moded puzzle solving game, played on a 20×15 board. The main goal requires removing all the blocks from the board within limited numbers of moves. By clicking on a single spot, the player affects all the fields [...]
## Description _Droid_ is a single board shooter. The game takes place on the planet Xeviou, taken over by bandits. As the land is full of natural resources the Highest Intergalactic Council decides to send scientifically advanced robot to neutralize the [...]
## Description _Dr. Mad vs. the Topsy Turvy Moon Men of Mars_ is a platform game, where the player as a scientist must defeat the aliens from Mars who invaded the city. The aliens are hidden in the form of animals. Contact with them means a certain death, [...]
## Description _Arthema_ is a single screen arcade game, where the player must collect all the items on the board, while avoiding any contact with hostile creatures. There is no weapon available, therefore performing the task requires proper using of [...]