## Description As you would expect, “Virtual Reality Studio 2.0” (VRS2) is “Virtual Reality Studio” (VRS) with enhancements. There are double the number of controls and commands available in VRS for added complexity and [...]
The Graphic Adventure Creator ## Description The Graphic Adventure creator is a tool to create interactive fiction games. A utility to draw background graphics is included, but it is also possible to create text-only games. You’re allowed to define [...]
Back Track ## Description The protagonist of this game, who looks like one of those head-on-feet characters which three-year-olds tend to draw, is the subject of a cruel experiment. Level after level, he is locked inside a maze and must get out before his [...]
Space Station Oblivion ## Description A 3D strategy / action game featuring scaling and rotating polygon graphics. You’re the sole voyager happening upon an abandoned space station that’s ready to explode from the pressure of dangerous vapors [...]