The minimum requirements for Crisis on the Planet of the Apes are set at a Core i3-6100 or Ryzen 3 1200 for CPU and GTX 1050Ti/Radeon RX 470 for GPU. Crisis on the Planet of the Apes is designed exclusively for users with Virtual Reality headsets. In this [...]
Set between the movies Rise of the Planet of the Apes and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes,
An ape, known only as Specimen 139, finds themselves captured by the military and en route to a remote scientific facility in Northern California.
It is year 5 of [...]
The game allows you to follow and interact with a new group of characters. The tale is a new one set in the North American Rocky Mountains during the timeline between ‘Dawn of Planet of the Apes’ and ‘War for Planet of the Apes.’ Explore your own morals [...]