PGA Championship Golf 1999 Edition ## Description _PGA Championship Golf: 1999 Edition_ is very much the same as the 1998 version with a golf course creator called the “Course Architect” which allows players to create their own golf courses or [...]
The X-Men engage in a battle so world-threatening, even Magneto switches sides! Mutantkind races to the edge of oblivion at the hands of an evil techno-bio cloning organism… the Phalanx! Be Wolverine, Cyclops, Gambit, Nightcrawler, Beast, Psylocke [...]
You play as Taz, the famous cartoon-character. Taz is captured by Marvin the Martian and transfered to his intergalactic Zoo! Now it is your job to aid Taz in his great escape from the Zoo-prison and also find a way back home to Earth. To make the escape [...]
Wacky Worlds Creativity Studio is a video game for the Sega Genesis released in 1994 under the Sega Club line for younger children. In it, the player has a choice of six different Wacky Worlds in which they can place animated “stickers”, [...]