SuperPower 2 is a real-time strategy wargame developed by Canadian based GolemLabs and published by DreamCatcher Games in 2004, following SuperPower. It was released between October 11 and November 19, 2004 in North America and Europe, respectively.
The Guild 3 is a fascinating trade and life simulation that takes place during the late Middle Ages. Step into the shoes of a citiizen, acquire businesses and mansions, produce goods and trade them, start intrigues in politics and society, love, hate, [...]
SuperPower 2 is the only global geopolitical simulation game which allows players to control entire countries. Players control countries in 3 major areas: political, economic and military, but this time, in a beautiful real-time 3D environment. Players [...]
The Inlaws ## Description The Inlaws is a comedy adventure game that is designed with elements from sitcoms such as audience laughter. The game consists of a single episode and the player takes control of a middle aged man called Ed who, along with his [...]