The diverse and passionate members of the Gearbox Software team share a common identity – we feel we were made to set our time and talent towards bringing joy, fun and happiness to our customers through our craft.

Since its inception and our first release, Half-Life: Opposing Force, the talented developers at Gearbox Software have had the pleasure of creating video games for some of the most exciting and revered brands on the planet. The Gearbox Software team has also created original, owned and managed brands including the award winning, best-selling Brothers in Arms series and the record-setting, genre breaking Borderlands franchise. In addition, Gearbox Software has acquired other major video game properties including the Duke Nukem and Homeworld brands. With all of its owned franchises, the people of Gearbox Software enjoy driving and managing a deep portfolio of licensed and internally produced ancillary products including video games, comic books, action figures, apparel, art prints, fictional novels, non-fiction reference books, and linear media content for film and television.

Ultimately, Gearbox Software is a family of talented, inventive and passionate individuals who want to collaborate with smart, committed, capable people with a quality of character that seek to inspire and be inspired – that care about creativity, happiness and the desire to make wonderful, engaging and exciting things that our customers feel is very valuable so that we may learn the lessons of experience together and share together in the rewards from a job well done.
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Homeworld 2 Remastered Soundtrack

Shock Drop Slaughter Pit

Handsome Jack Doppelganger Pack

Borderlands 2: Headhunter 2: Wattle Gobbler

Borderlands 2: Mechromancer Beatmaster Pack

Borderlands 2: Gunzerker Greasy Grunt Pack

Borderlands 2: Psycho Party Pack

Borderlands 2: Siren Learned Warrior Pack