Improve your focus and develop search strategies as you look for words within the scrambled letters of the board. Build up words connecting letters in any direction. You can choose from several difficulties and a variety of topics. Approximate file size: [...]
Introduce your child to the wonderful world of puzzles! The game contains puzzle of funny and entertaining subjects that will develop your child’s focus. The joyful background music creates an immersive experience that will keep your child engaged. The [...]
Expand your knowledge in geography, history, literature, traffic signs, inventions and much more with over 5000 questions. The game’s goal is to enhance your learning by allowing you to take the quiz as many times you want, whenever you want. At the end [...]
Enjoy tranquility and wellbeing of mind with a puzzle! Behold the beauty of nature with this feel-good collection of 600 puzzles. You will find yourself inspired and renewed by calm scenery of lakes, breathtaking views of mountains, spectacularly colored [...]
Find the hidden words! Use your detective skills, build your vocabulary and enjoy finding all the hidden words. Play in any difficulty mode by searching curated words packed by theme. Any pattern is possible. Use your imagination to find words in any [...]
Discover the world through puzzles. Explore over 30 countries renowned for their famous landmarks, beautiful landscapes and delicious food. The puzzle packs capture the distinctive culture and the uniqueness of each country they depict. All images are [...]
Solve jigsaw puzzles to keep your mind sharp! The game contains stunning puzzles of landmarks, architecture, landscapes, plants and animals. Join a community of 30.000 players and solve a new puzzle every day. The game includes many puzzles: * Free [...]