Many ages ago. The Earth was populated by beings that lived in peace and harmony until a fearsome scientist named IMBU and his henchmen arrived to steal earth’s energy, capture all the inhabitants and lock them up in crystal cells. Miraculously, [...]
Based on the Cartoon Network series of the same name, Princess Natasha places players in the role of an undercover princess, challenged with stopping her evil uncle from stealing her throne.
Princess Natasha: Student, Secret Agent, Princess Natasha is a Zoravian princess and the only daughter of King Carl and Queen Lena. She’s also a secret agent! She’s been sent to Illinois to stop her evil Uncle Lubek from stealing the Zoravian [...]
Join Smiley and friends in his first ever video game for an exciting Island adventure. Marooned on a desert island, you and your team must participate in various challenges to overcome the hazards of the land while collecting rewards and treasure. Along [...]
Mr. Runch, a rotten and dangerous peanut, fiercely determined on being one of the M&M’s, just escaped the reject bin where he was discarded as ghastly! He’s on the loose in the Galaxy, and trying to kidnap and trap all of the [...]