Backgammon HD ## Description Backgammon is one of the most popular board games around the world and the one which is geographically most widespread. In this DS version of the classic game the player has to compete against other Backgammon players in four [...]
Toy Factory ## Description In this puzzle game, toys are created, and travel through a series of tubes, conveyor belts, and other machinery to bins. Your objective is to get the correct toys to the correct bins. You do this through moving the bins back [...]
Crazy Machines 2 is packed with all new features to help you create your wackiest “Rube Goldberg-style” contraptions yet! All new elements, plus an amazing 3D physics engine lets you craft even more complex gadgets and effects. Crazy Machines [...]
Create Your Own Zany “Rube Goldberg” Devices! Go crazy with over 200 brand new gizmo-twistin’ levels! Enjoy all-new elements, music, backgrounds and more. Start off in the Inventor’s Training Camp to sharpen your skills. Get ready [...]
A hyper-realistic simulation with plenty of physical puzzles awaits! Did ever wonder what a leaping-laser-mouse-bomb would look like? Or better yet: what it’s capable of? Then be ready for your very own ultimate playground with possibilities you [...]
GET YOUR BRAIN BUZZING with each new challenge in the latest installment of the multi award-winning wacky contraption series – CRAZY MACHINES ELEMENTS. Play with Fire, harness the power of water and control the wind to set off the most insanely [...]
In this “Rube-Goldberg” style puzzle game, experiment and build your wacky contraptions with physics action like never before! Experience dazzling visuals of explosives, fire, and true to life physics behavior when you put the experiment into [...]