Cubic Mayhem was developed by epicZERO74, Released in 2016-06-27 Cubic Mayhem was Released on Windows Cubic Mayhem is a Single Player game A (relatively) challenging platformer in which you play as a square. (Yes, I know squares and cubes are not the same [...]
Fantasy Bar Name Generator 2 was developed by epicZERO74, Released in 2017-03-17 Fantasy Bar Name Generator 2 was Released on Windows Fantasy Bar Name Generator 2 is a Single Player game The new and improved version of Fantasy Bar Name Generator. With [...]
Cubic Mayhem 2: Cubic Warfare was developed by epicZERO74, Released in 2017-03 Cubic Mayhem 2: Cubic Warfare was Released on Windows Cubic Mayhem 2: Cubic Warfare is a Single Player game After escaping the pink’s evil torture chamber, the blue [...]
The House on Besatt Hill was developed by epicZERO74, Released in 2018-10-28 The House on Besatt Hill was Released on Windows The House on Besatt Hill is a Single Player game You are a very wealthy man. One day, you spotted a beautiful graveyard sitting [...]