Off the Record was developed by EightBitSkyline, Released in 2018-05-02 Off the Record was Released on Windows,Mac,Linux Off the Record is a Single Player game Off The Record is a short adventure game I created over two weeks for Adventure Jam 2017. [...]
Above/Below was developed by EightBitSkyline, Released in 2018-11-19 Above/Below was Released on Windows,Mac,Linux Above/Below is a Single Player game Above/Below is developed for Windows, Mac and Linux with Unity. It will be released late 2018 and it [...]
Port Horizon 1951. A city on the verge of collapse. Moral collapse. Crime. Corruption. Greed… Money. Private eye Cooper Chutney thought he was the exception. When a beautiful dame in distress enters his office he is ready to show that someone still [...]