## Description In the year 2052, in the midst of a world in political crisis, a young man known only as T.C. stumbles into an encounter with a mysterious android named Rema. Built to resemble a young woman, Rema has the capacity to learn and experience [...]
Lunar: Sampo-suru Gakuen ## Description This is a side-story, set in the same world as the famous _Lunar_ RPGs: Silver Star and Eternal Blue. The town of Burg is populated by harvesters, and you take control of two girls, Ellie and Lena. One day, they are [...]
Mahō Gakuen Lunar! ## Description This prequel to Lunar: The Silver Star begins in the same town of Burg hundreds of years earlier. Two teenage girls, Elie and Lena, set out to join the Magic School of Ien. There they meet new friends and go on [...]