The main peculiarities of the game are dynamic firefights, numerous monsters and an ability to travel in both 2D and 3D worlds. You will be able to fight effectively in 2D as all the adversaries will be your targets. But meeting a more serious 2D opponent [...]
Triera was developed by EgorRezenov, Released in 2014-08-17 Triera was Released on Windows Triera is a Single Player game Available on An error occurs on a huge interplanetary spaceship called Triera, with four levels of robot-inhabited [...]
Mechatronika was developed by EgorRezenov Mechatronika was Released on Windows Mechatronika is a Single Player game Mechatronika is an adventure genre game with puzzle elements. The action in the game circles around steampunk and tells a tale of a time [...]
The main character is called Ewan. He is wandering about mysterious places trying to find a way out. Hallucinations? A trap of mind? Life in the balance? Haunted by his own fears, the main character has to make sense of it all and find a way out. Passing [...]