Charmy Bee in Sonic 1 is a modification of Sonic the Hedgehog where Sonic is swapped out with Charmy Bee from Knuckles’ Chaotix. Charmy bee cannot jump instead he can only fly, so he must use this ability to put a stop to Dr.Robotnik’s plans [...]
Amy Rose in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 swaps Sonic out for Amy Rose from Sonic CD, equipped with her Sonic Advance moveset. She will have to Jump whirl and Dash through Westside Island with the help of her newfound friend Tails! Infiltrate the Death Egg and put [...]
Amy in Sonic 1 is a modification of Sonic 1 that swaps sonic out with Amy Rose from Sonic CD, bringing with her, her move-set from Sonic Advance. Using Her Piko Piko Hammer she will have to Jump, whirl, and dash through South Island to put a Stop to [...]