DeathTrack ## Description In the future, races are held across America where the drivers race for money, and their lives. You are the rookie. Welcome to Deathtrack. Starting off the game with a meager sum, you can choose from three cars (either speedy, [...]
Front Page Sports: Trophy Bass 2 ## Description This is the sequel to Sierra’s Trophy Bass game. It features fishing from an overhead view, simulating reeling and reel dragging for different classes of fish. The game includes a tournament mode and [...]
3-D Ultra Lionel Train Town Deluxe ## Description 3-D Ultra Lionel Train Town Deluxe is a stand-alone reissue of 3D Ultra Train Town, which was voted “2000 Family Game of the Year” by the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences. This [...]
M-1 Abrams Battletank ## Description Take the most powerful NATO tank, the M-1 Abrams, in 8 difficult missions against the Warsaw Pact forces. The four tank stations and the other aspects of the tank are quite nicely simulated, with different types of [...]
3-D Ultra Radio Control Racers ## Description Take one of the 4 completely different RC racers as you tackle 16 different tracks in 2D or 3D from an overhead isometric view. The tracks feature lots of weird places like haunted graveyard, backyard [...]
Hoyle Puzzle & Board Games ## Description Hoyle Puzzle & Board Games is a compilation of a large number of classic puzzle and board games. By playing these games, the player will earn Hoyle Bucks, which can be spent on new card decks, tile sets, [...]
Front Page Sports Football Pro ## Description The first of several re-releases in the Front Page Sports: Football series from Dynamix/Sierra, the initial ‘Pro’ version boasts a number of improvements designed to widen the appeal of the series. [...]
CyberStorm 2: Corporate Wars ## Description _Cyberstorm 2: Corporate Wars_ is the sequel to MissionForce: Cyberstorm. The player can join one of the eight corporations fighting each other for financial supremacy. Each of these corporations has a different [...]