This is additional content for The Men of Yoshiwara: Ohgiya, but does not include the base game. ## About This Content The Official Soundtrack of “The Men of Yoshiwara: Ohgiya”. Composer: 佐野広明(Hiroaki Sano), 上原一之龍(Ichinoryu Uehara) The Men of [...]
“The Men of Yoshiwara: Ohgiya” is a romance game for women, with the famous Yoshiwara pleasure districts as the setting — but with the roles of men and women reversed!
“The Men of Yoshiwara” is a popular romance game for women. At the end, to whom is it that you will be talking of love? Vocal opening song/English text
It’s a romance game where you can experience the thrill of an office romance where you have to keep your relationship secret. What will happen when you’re alone with him in the conference room?
“Secrets of Me” is a game where, after getting plastic surgery, you can stalk a hot guy to get him to fall in love with you! If you’re tired of typical otome games, then this one’s for you!
“Tokyo School Life” is the story of your trip as an exchange student in Tokyo and the three girls you meet there. Live the everyday life you love from anime and manga! “Tokyo School Life” is the story of your trip as an exchange [...]