The Dream of Neko is a platform game, prepared exclusively for the two screen console from the Nintendo stable. The story presented here shows the fate of the title cat fascinated by people, especially the possibility of eating what you want and the [...]
Rapid Racoon is a dynamic racing game in which we sit at the helm of one of the futuristically designed cars. It can therefore be concluded that this product makes a very clear reference to the cult Wipeout series, offering a similar gameplay character. [...]
My Little Flufties is a 3D life simulator similar to Tamagotchi published on Nintendo DS and Windows by Lexicon Entertainment. The game is distributed by JoWood Productions in Europe and Dreamcatcher in North America. The game title is AniMates in North [...]
Equilibrio is an action/puzzle game where players need to get a ball to the exit to finish a level. To move the ball the playfield needs to be tilted. In the Wii version, tilt the Wii Remote (or lean on the Wii Balance Board) and the playfield will move. [...]