Freddy Hardest ## Description The most irreverent playboy of all the galaxy, heir of a great fortune, has a totally irresponsible life, given to uncontrolled drunks, endless celebrations and excesses of all kind. After one of his last “little” [...]
Nonamed ## Description So you want to be a Knight of the King Abdul Honeickam Gargoy, young countryman? I can see that you are accurate with the arch, fast with the sword, and tough in hand-to-hand combat… but you need to prove that you’re [...]
Michel Futbol Master + Super Skills ## Description In 1989 arrived at our screens a game of the world of soccer: Michel Futbol Master + Super Skills, carried out by the ex-player of Real Madrid, Michel. As habitual on Dinamic games, this game consists of [...]
La reina Gremla gobierna sobre cinco confederaciones de planetas gracias a un poderoso ejército de Terminators dirigido por Arkos, su más fiel servidor, hasta que el desprecio de la reina hizo que se pasara al ejército enemigo dirigido por McKiller. El [...]
Fernando Martin Basket Master ## Description “Basket Master” is a one-on-one basketball game from premier Spanish developer Dinamic Soft, dedicated to NBA player Fernando Martin, the first Spanish (and first European non-student in a US [...]
Army Moves is a one-player game which is divided into two parts. In part one, you drive a jeep and must avoid collision with other jeeps and being shot at by helicopters. Then, you fly around in a helicopter and the oject is to bring down airplanes [...]