“Cats and the Other Lives” is a narrative experience that explores the reunion of a broken family from the perspective of their house cat, Aspen. Is the cat just a witness, or does this animal have a more mysterious role in our lives than we anticipate? [...]
This content requires the base game Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones on Steam in order to play. ## About This Content ## Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones – Official Digital Artbook Let this artbook be your gateway into the creation process of Stygian. [...]
"Your former life was in bliss of ignorance until you've awakened to the darkness waiting to devour our very existence on the doorstep of our fragile dimension. Something terrible left its eons old slumber and the reality as we know it, collapsed. The [...]
Delve into a role-playing game of horror, loss and madness set in the strange worlds of HP Lovecraft. Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones offers a mix of rich role-playing and turn-based tactical combat, represented in an illustrative visual style. Can you [...]