Chapter 1 of unfinished retro-platformer Too Loud. ## About This Game ## Too Loud: Chapter 1 Too Loud is an indie-project that two of us started making back in 2015. We wanted to make something unique: visually and from the gameplay perspective. [...]
Compete with your friends and have fun. It is the easiest game on the Planet, but it gives you a deep sense of peace. More positive energy you bring to the world, more energy you get back from it. Cube Vacation was developed by Cubic Pie, Released in [...]
Race through the corridor on the rocket engine and collect all lost boxes. However, you’d better to avoid stone blocks: engine could withstand one or two collisions, but nobody knows if it outlive the third. Run For Box was developed by Cubic Pie, [...]
SpaceTank is a shoot-em up game. Explore the enemy space station by operating your tank and destroying various enemy forces in your path. As you successfully complete levels, you will be given access to more powerful weapons and new equipment. Features: [...]
Too Loud was developed by Cubic Pie, Released in 2016-12 Too Loud was Released on Windows Too Loud is a Single Player game Story-driven platformer adventure with Atari flavor. A game about choice, memory and sins. Too Loud
Yury is a deliberately retro platform/arcade action game that combines old-school graphics, classic mechanics and challenging gameplay with a sense of sci-fi survival horror atmosphere.