Creatures 2 Creatures 2 ## Description _Creatures 2_ is the sequel to Creatures. In _Creatures 2_ the player is again put in charge of caring for a group of artificial lifeforms called Norns. The player is responsible for making sure the Norns don’t [...]
Creatures: The Albian Years Discover a large, living landscape – the surface a world called Albia. You exist in this world only as a virtual presence, a sort of remote-control existence, which the computer portrays as a hand-shaped mouse cursor. In this [...]
Over a thousand years ago, the ancient civilisation of Shee left the world of Albia in a giant spaceship to find a new home. When the Grendels attacked them during the flight, they escaped to their new planet’s surface, abandoning the Norns and [...]
This is no ordinary game. By playing Creatures, you will be taking part in one of the largest Artificial Life experiments ever. Raise and train a troupe of cuddly virtual life creatures that live on the Capillata space ship and help them reach the level [...]