Embark on a hilarious quest as Richard Longshlong, (Young Quiverdick), and his derpditty-derp-pants partner, Deputy Stoney, as they take down fairy-fail creatures that you most certainly do not recognize from your childhood due to copyright reasons! [...]
Crankage Games brings you another hilarious tale full of satire and parody! Play as Ronald J. Grump, a secret agent hellbent on deporting illegal extraterrestrials from outer-space off of his home-planet! Brosie O’Shlongel is back for vengeance, and [...]
Crankage Games brings you another hilarious tale full of satire and parody! Play as Ronald J. Grump, a secret agent hellbent on deporting illegal extraterrestrials from outer-space off of his home-planet! Follow Agent Grump as he drains the swamp, deports [...]
From the creative minds that brought you Metal as Phuk and The Chronicles of Quiver Dick, Crankage Games brings you another hilarious, boner-inducing tale of epic proportions! Embark on a journey as Mary the Fairy, a cannibalistic, foul-mouthed pixie in [...]
The Chronicles of Quiver Dick is a Crude Comedy RPG that has one goal and one goal only: To make you laugh! Play as Quiver Dick, a legendary storyteller and former badass, as he embarks on one of many downright crazy and entirely messed up adventures!
Metal as Phuk is a Mature, Turn-Based, Crude Comedy RPG that has one goal and one goal only: To Make You Laugh! Play as Chael, the last Paladin of the Metal Order, as he embarks on his journey to stop The Dark Bards before they can summon [...]