Zinsrechnen was developed by CPC Schneider International, Released in 1985 Listed as a type-in program in the German magazine: CPC Schneider International.
Wuerfelspass was developed by CPC Schneider International, Released in 1985 Listed as a type-in program in the German magazine: CPC Schneider International.
Window-Planer was developed by CPC Schneider International, Released in 1986 Listed as a type-in program in the German magazine: CPC Schneider International.
Vokabel Trainer was developed by CPC Schneider International, Released in 1986 Listed as a type-in program in the German magazine: CPC Schneider International.
Universelle Datei was developed by CPC Schneider International, Released in 1985 Listed as a type-in program in the German magazine: CPC Schneider International.
UDG Desctop Editor was developed by CPC Schneider International, Released in 1986 Listed as a type-in program in the German magazine: CPC Schneider International.
Textverarbeitung was developed by CPC Schneider International, Released in 1985 Listed as a type-in program in the German magazine: CPC Schneider International.
Symbol Editor was developed by CPC Schneider International, Released in 1985 Listed as a type-in program in the German magazine: CPC Schneider International.