No Exit ## Description No Exit is a side-view martial arts beat ’em up, similar in style to IK+. Each fight must be won within a time limit. You can specify your character’s ability quite precisely, trading off Vivacity against Efficiency and [...]
Oliver & Company ## Description You are Oliver, a cat from the Disney movie “Oliver & Company”. The game is a 3rd person perspective arcade scroller. Plot is same as in the movie. Oliver is a homeless cat that teams up with a gang of [...]
Gobliiins is an adventure game where the player controls a team of three goblins: Oups, Ignatius and Asgard (Hooter, Dwayne, and BoBo in the US release) to find four magic components. A voodoo doll has turned their king Angoulafre mad and by collecting [...]
The Last Dynasty ## Description The Last Dynasty is a hybrid game that casts the player in the role of the space pilot Mel Raauq. The pilot receives the mission of a lifetime: he has to to locate and eventually destroy Lord Iron, whose minions are out in [...]
ADI Junior Helps with Reading: 4/5 Years Also Known As: ADI Junior Helps With Reading (EU) ADI Junior Helps With Reading (4-5) is a Miscellaneous game, developed by Coktel Vision and published by Europress, which was released in Europe in 1994. Franchise: [...]
ADI Junior Helps with Counting: 4/5 Years Also Known As: ADI Junior Helps With Reading (EU) ADI Junior Helps With Reading (4-5) is a Miscellaneous game, developed by Coktel Vision and published by Europress, which was released in Europe in 1994. [...]
It is said that there is a mysterious labyrinth harboring great secrets that might fulfill the wishes of those who discover them. Two countries respectively ruled by Queen Xina and King Bodd have been competing over the right to explore the labyrinth. [...]