Play Chess Fritz 8 ## Description _Fritz 8_ , like previous versions, is a training tool for chess players of all levels. It includes tutorials and other in-game training aids to help you get the most out of your games and learn from your mistakes. Chess [...]
Shredder 6 ## Description Shredder 6 is a professional Chess computer game. It contains the Deep Shredder 6 chess engine with multi-processor support for up to 8 CPUs (!) with the user interface of the famous Fritz Schach 7 game as well as a special [...]
What does the modern chess player need? A sparring partner, a trainer, an up-to-date database and access to an online chess server! Fritz, probably the world’s most popular chess program (think back to FRITZ’s unforgettable victories against Kasparov, [...]
Fritz Chess 16 Steam Edition When is chess the most enjoyable? When you win! When Fritz entered his first tournaments some 25 years ago, humans still had a real chance of taking the engine down. Only a few years down the line, Fritz was already beating [...]
Shredder 9 ## Description Shredder 9 is a chess engine embedded in the Fritz interface. Compared to other chess games, Shredder (like other chessbase products) is maybe less graphically impressive but has more different features. Most features are aimed [...]
Fritz 8 ## Description Fritz 8 , like previous versions, is a training tool for chess players of all levels. It includes tutorials and other in-game training aids to help you get the most out of your games and learn from your mistakes. Chess can be a very [...]
World’s Best Chess: Fritz 8 Deluxe ## Description World’s Best Chess: Fritz 8 Deluxe is an enhanced edition of Fritz 8, an interactive game for chess players of all levels, from beginners to experts. Like the previous version, this Deluxe [...]