## Description _Xoldiers_ is a shooting game where, leading a team of nine “xoldiers”, the player’s goal on each level is to get past the enemy defenses–cannons and tanks that shoot occasionally, garages that release [...]
## Description _MSOIDS_ is a shooter game based on the _Asteroids_ formula. The player controls a small cannon which he can move around with the keyboard, using the mouse to blast the square asteroids which split into smaller ones when shot. When the [...]
## Description _Minubeat_ is a cross between a shoot-em-up and a rhythm game. The player controls a spaceship, armed with a rapid-fire weapon fired with the Z key, that faces both small enemy ships and large objects that release lots of projectiles. [...]
## Description _Kryzta_ is an experimental action game by cactus. On the surface, it looks like an arena shooter, but you are unable to fire. Instead, the focus is on avoiding enemy shots and maneuvering in such a way that the enemy hit each other, [...]
## Description _Deep/Wing/Break_ is a vertically scrolling shooter game where the player controls a grey, winged creature, carrying a tiny dot it must protect from waves of enemies, all of which shoot bullets in specific formations. The creature can move [...]
## Description _BlockOn!_ is another experimental title from prolific indie developer Cactus, this time made in just 3 hours. This is a platform game in which you have to collect all the red items, at which point the exit door will open and you can [...]
## Description _Ad Nauseam 2_ (Latin for _to a sickening degree 2_ ) is a fast-paced shooter played on a single screen. The game features pounding music, bright graphics and motion blur that can cause seizures, for which the author warns about in the [...]
## Description It begins with a simple electrical fault and leads to the total destruction of a building and a mad dash to escape with your life! As fires spread out of control and floors collapse around you, you must run and jump your way to safety. EVAC [...]