Feel the Pain and and Brutality of War. You play Lt. Ferreira as you fight your Way out of Hell,War. Are you ready to fight,or do you prefer staying home? .:Let the Hunt begin:. 1-MAN-ARMY was developed by [brasil] 1-MAN-ARMY was Released on Windows [...]
A Space Arcade inspired in Ateroids. I was developed in C++ with SDL framework. Shot’n’Run2 was developed by [brasil], Released in 2012-02-21 Shot’n’Run2 was Released on Windows Shot’n’Run2 is a Single Player game [...]
Ship Match took me 3 weeks of hard coding. Developed in C++ with SDL framework, its an deathmatch spaceship two player arcade. The multiplayer works in any kind o LAN, though I advise you to try it in an at least 100Mbps LAN couse the network programming [...]