## Description _Trop Way_ is an action game where players control a blob that needs to solve a water shortage problem. The blob called Trop needs to move water barrels through a belt conveyor while avoiding enemies. Trop can jump and there are 120 levels [...]
## Description _Tama Tama_ is an arcade game where players need to kick balls at enemies to defeat them. Players can only knock their enemies out when the ball is orange and must jump for it to change its color.
## Description _Rinne_ is an isometric action role-playing game. Players take the role of the Valkyrie and explore a virtual world in a distant planet. The Valkyrie has the Body Snatch ability which allows it to possess its enemies as well as a Transform [...]
## Description _Relics: The Recur Of Origin_ is a remake of Bothtec’s original Relics which expands the story of the original game and models the gameplay after CRPGs such as _Diablo_. Utilizing an isometric viewpoint, the combat occurs in real time [...]
## Description _Relics: The 2nd Birth_ is an action role-playing game. Being a sequel to Relics: The Recur of Origin, this game retains the core gameplay of the former title, having players explore dungeons in the isometric perspective and relying on the [...]