The game revolves around Boku, a 9 year old boy sent to his aunt and uncle in Japan’s wooded countryside and the daily adventures he encounters there. Boku is there because his Mother is in her final month of pregnancy. The player controls him for [...]
Axys: The Last Battle The Last Battle is a Role-Playing game, developed by Atelier Double and published by Techiku, which was released in Japan in 1994. It takes about 50 hours to complete this game. Difficulty of this game: Just Right-Tough
Agetec’s Snowboarding consists of racing downhill and performing death-defying stunts. For speed fans, the Race Mode allows players to race against the clock or two computer-controlled opponents. For those more interested in catching big air, [...]
Welcome to the world of RANMA 1/2 Explosive Free-Fight, the hottest new blockbuster from the phenomenon that is… MANGA! You’re about to set out on a breathtaking hyper-adventure. The powerful, pixel-punching graphics will make your head spin [...]
This exciting new chapter in the Lufia saga follows the adventures of Eldin, Torma, and Rami, a group of friends and would-be hunters as they set out in search of treasure, only to discover that fate has much more in store for them! Will they be able to [...]
Dam Dam Stompland DamDam StompLand is an Action game, developed by Atelier Double and published by Sony Music Entertainment Incorporated, which was released in Japan in 1997. It takes about 1.9 hours to complete this game. Difficulty of this game: Easy [...]