AtariGraphics was developed by Atari Inc., Released in 1984 Shipped with Atari Light Pen package. Other Informations: Model RX8054 – UPDATES – A prototype version exists with a copyright date of 1983; the released version has a 1984 date. [...]
AtariArtist was developed by Atari Inc., Released in 1983 Other Informations: Model RX8053 The text OSS OS/A+ – ATARI version 2.00 Copyright (C) 1982 OSS, Inc. can be found in the code. – TIPS AND TRICKS – Easter Egg: Put the cursor in [...]
Atari BASIC Programming Language was developed by Atari Inc., Released in 1979 Other Informations: Model CXL4002 The original cart releases were labeled BASIC Computer Program, which was later changed to BASIC Computing Language. The last releases were [...]
Atari 600 XL was developed by Atari Inc., Released in 1983 Other Informations: The Atari 600 XL featured a slightly shallower case than the 800XL The 600 XL was announced at the 1983 Summer CES. It was the spiritual replacement for the 400 and the little [...]