In Sub Hunt you control a group of four submarines one at a time. The goal is to destroy six convoys which will be attempting to cross the stretch of sea you are guarding. You can aim and fire torpedoes using a periscope view, have your submarine dive and [...]
You've found the secret map to the underground lair of the dreaded Minotaur. You can go in, but you'll never come out unless you slay the Minotaur and claim his Tarmin treasure. As you make your way through the hallways and chambers, monsters wield their [...]
Launching from repair bay 28 of the Galatea, you guide your Blue Fighter Wing through the Launch Ring at lightspeed, entering enemy territory, sector Delta Five Niner! Your mission: Rescue the Orange Wing Center which was captured alive, before the enemy [...]
Star Strike ## Description Star Strike was clearly inspired by the Death Star battle sequence in the movie Star Wars. You fly a space craft into the enemy launch trench. Your mission: to destroy the alien station before Earth passes directly over the [...]
You are one of two frogs sitting on two lily pads in the middle of a pond. You have to jump from one lily pad to the other and try to catch the insects which fly across the pond with your tongue. In doing that you have to be carfeul not to fall into the [...]
Three games in one! Triple Action features three uniquely different arcade games: Racing Cars – Race side-by-side down the highway against an opponent, dodging standard traffic as you go. First one to 100 miles wins! Battle Tanks – Get in a [...]
In Sea Battle, players must successfully invade the home port of their opponent while protecting their own ports from invasion. Game play takes place in an island-dotted ocean, with one player’s home port at the lower-left corner of the screen and [...]
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Cartridge ## Description Pursue the ancient Crown of Kings in Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Cartridge. You control a three person party equipped with three arrows apiece, though more arrows can be found on your quest. [...]