The Monster’s Final Hour was developed by Amstrad Computer User, Released in 1985 Listed as a type-in program in the magazine: Amstrad Computer User (Amsoft era).
Squeaker was developed by Amstrad Computer User, Released in 1990 Listed as a type-in program in the magazine: Amstrad Computer User (Focus Magazines era).
Sorceror’s Castle was developed by Amstrad Computer User, Released in 1988 Listed as a type-in program in the magazine: Amstrad Computer User (Avralite era).
Roland Takes A Running Jump was developed by Amstrad Computer User, Released in 1986 Listed as a type-in program in the magazine: Amstrad Computer User (Amsoft era).
Roland in the Haunted House was developed by Amstrad Computer User, Released in 1985 Listed as a type-in program in the magazine: Amstrad Computer User (Amsoft era).